游戏名 | ロ怪咖ロ | |
角色性别 | 女 | |
玩家ID | 68900 | |
注册时间 | 2022-01-17 | |
经验值 | 294,124 | (45%) |
活跃度 | #48279 | |
最高连击 | 6439 | #853 |
AC歌曲数 | 2 | #7646 |
ACC歌曲数 | 0 | #22145 |
等级 | 35 | #6386 |
| 8,545.884 | #831 |
游戏次数 | 162 | #7444 |
砸键数 | 1,116,499 | #4249 |
总分数 | 353,346,315 | #4283 |
游戏时长 | 10小时44分钟 | #7004 |
TOP | 成绩PP | 封面 | 歌曲名 等级[难度] |
Noter Artist |
Cool Bad |
Good Miss |
连击 准确率 |
上传日期 |
1 | 450.046 #6 | [160/144/128]木兰花 Lv.90[Easy] | M2U - Kim_GodSSIMagnolia | 779211 | 1093116 | x141892.27% | 2022-05-01 | |
2 | 450.045 #52 | [177/159/142]森林河流旅途 Lv.90[Easy] | Hyper Potions - HehooohJungle Cruise | 45895 | 94864 | x66390.09% | 2022-05-01 | |
3 | 450.045 #51 | [170/153/136]告别今天 Lv.90[Easy] | Camellia - Hehooohfarewell to today | 660144 | 1434110 | x210489.10% | 2022-05-01 | |
4 | 450.044 #123 | [146/182/164]Xecus Lv.90[Normal] | NongShiki | 300828 | 72582 | x65187.29% | 2022-05-01 | |
5 | 445.044 #15 | [186/167/149]追逐光明 Lv.89[Easy] | Fear - yellExChase the Light! | 405231 | 950106 | x99587.68% | 2022-05-01 | |
6 | 440.047 #17 | 积木/琉金梦游录/我 Lv.88[Hard] | Flexo123/_Reimu/eZmmR200/200/225 | 36417 | 38452 | x145593.60% | 2023-03-13 | |
7 | 440.044 #75 | [1.0/0.9/0.8]活下去 Lv.88[Easy] | rukaAliA[170/153/136] | 665122 | 173493 | x169588.23% | 2022-05-01 | |
8 | 440.041 #11 | [210/189/168]魔术师已扔下骰子 Lv.88[Easy] | Lung_PUso to chameleon | 500926 | 2205121 | x88682.70% | 2022-05-01 | |
9 | 430.046 #49 | [154/139/123]友人部 Lv.86[Easy] | 小原好美/佐倉綾音 - _Reimuなかよしセンセーション | 562220 | 90070 | x137891.62% | 2022-05-01 | |
10 | 430.044 #48 | [134/168/151]开始吧! Lv.86[Normal] | Sedgi迷茫管家OP | 480420 | 134794 | x69387.13% | 2022-05-01 | |
11 | 420.045 #18 | 我们的海贼团/序列/真千年女王 Lv.84[Easy] | Pengdoll/Destiny19/Latsu170/189/160 | 25446 | 53138 | x66689.84% | 2022-10-13 | |
12 | 420.044 #34 | [165/149/132]新的故事 Lv.89[Easy] | 高野麻里佳 - LostCoolNew story | 657214 | 1549100 | x88088.97% | 2022-05-01 | |
13 | 420.043 #21 | 罪人/鸣奏曲克莱采/很猛烈 Lv.1[Hard] | Damned/Zenonia/asdasd185/175/200 | 532420 | 166178 | x1562145.34% | 2022-10-13 | |
14 | 420.042 #43 | 170DerWald/147ThisGame/160花烂漫漫 Lv.84[Normal] |恋恋贝利亚170/147/160 | 498415 | 1966113 | x109983.99% | 2022-10-13 | |
15 | 415.046 #21 | 萌萌世界/旋律钟声/春茶 Lv.83[Easy] | yellEx/Pengdoll/yellEx150/182/160 | 23600 | 38540 | x54891.36% | 2023-03-13 | |
16 | 415.045 #30 | [1.0/0.9/0.8]未来之日 Lv.87[Easy] | moni[158/142/126]Hasegawa Akiko | 680120 | 1412111 | x86789.71% | 2022-05-01 | |
17 | 410.046 #32 | [155/140/124]自我开心 Lv.82[Easy] | 最終定理論者 - yellExEGO-HYPE | 53324 | 73767 | x106192.62% | 2022-05-01 | |
18 | 410.042 #23 | [186/167/149]月夜下绽放的恋情 Lv.82[Easy] | Active Planets - _Reimu月夜に舞う恋の花 | 577835 | 2142117 | x124484.56% | 2022-05-01 | |
19 | 400.041 #122 | [160/180/200]刀剑神域夺命凶弹 Lv.80[Hard] | wilben_chanLiSA | 232827 | 100181 | x38681.83% | 2024-08-31 | |
20 | 390.045 #24 | 怎么走/每天一杯奶/终焉逃避行 Lv.78[Normal] | yellEx/Emida/YyottaCat147/160/190 | 33355 | 65889 | x71789.22% | 2024-08-31 |